
Film is in Fashion

Purple's in fashion, recycling's in fashion, blogging is in fashion. You know what else? Filming.

Which is not bad AT ALL. Especially when it comes with a challenge. Here's the deal: you are given a topic, a line and a character and you have to make a movie out of them in 48 hours. Sleep or no sleep.

Just make a movie, out of scratch. Piece of cake to you it should be. You use, you've watched so many other online videos, and admit it, you've said so many times "I would have done it bettah".

Carrie Bradshaw had a movie after her and she's not even real:)

Ok, here's a test:
Category - Drama
Item - 14cm heels
Character - Girl Next Door
Line - "oops i did it again"

Got it? Good. Next step, enroll at Clock starts ticking on the 31st of October.

The good news: your movie (and you) could be travelling to the U.S. to compete for the title "Best 48 Hour Film of 2008".
The ...costly news: enrolment means you have to pay 135€ (or 175€ apparently if you are late - after the 10th of Oct. that is).

Oh, and the test, I made it up ok? It's not gonna be as shallow as that. It's just gonna be as playful (i hope).

Are you gonna give it a go?


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