

I am feeling so dull lately. Sorry about injecting my personal life into this blog right now, but I feel the need. School and work is wearing on me, even though I feel as though I am getting enough sleep and such. I am just not my usual sparkly self. So here is an apology to all of my friends who have been putting up with my zombie-like/catatonic self lately...I do not mean anything by it!
In happier things....

Today Libby Callaway came by and talked to my Intro to Fashion class at O'more. It was very interesting and I am dying to check out her vintage booth at the Gaslamp Antique Mall here in nashville. Besides being a stylist, she also writes for The City Paper in Nashville, and has her own blog on their website

I was perusing her website and I really adore the photoshoot she styled here:
pretty pretty pictures

(I would post the pictures here, but I would not want to step on anyone's feet by doing so. But do check it out!)

and simply to make myself feel better, here is one of my favorite photos with the first vintage feather headband I ever found :)


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