
Halloween at Judith March!!!

What does this mean? 
Lots and lots and lots and LOTS of candy in the office! So much for fitting into those cutesy little costumes we've all planned out! 

Today we've been trying on costumes and getting together our accessories! Still finding time to get tons of work done...  The above photo includes Stephanie Nichols as Wonderwoman, Harley as a shark, and runaway Loui as a lobster! 

Here's Stephanie and Megan trying out costumes. Two cute Chiquita Banana girls! 

In other news...
Yesterday, we celebrated Abbie's 21'st birthday, and Lucy's 25th... ;]  We love you both so much, and not to mention the Pizza by the Sea, Publix cheesecake, and vanilla and fudge cake!!! 

95% of this, by now, has been devoured. 

Cute birthday hats, girls! I see a new trend coming...

We're out for the Halloween weekend. Ready to have some FUN! Feel free to comment with photos of you in your costumes!
With Love, 
Judith March Crew


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