August 17, 1945 ... Independence Day of Indonesia
A large country endowed with natural resources and ethnic diversity of cultures and religions.
Great nation, a noble nation, the Nation that have not been aware of the potential he has ...
Ideology is the most appropriate to protect all the elements and the nation Indonesia, known for its diversity of ethnic cultural and religious customs.
Grain Pancasila
Belief in one God
Humanity is just and civilized
Persatuan Indonesia
Democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation
Social justice for all Indonesian people
Be proud of Pancasila
Pancasila is a unique ideology, an ideology that can accommodate pluralism nation Indonesia.
Pancasila was born from the struggle of the Indonesian nation pahlwan, who is willing to make sacrifices for the independence of Indonesia rather than other nations
Pancasila is the ideology of the Indonesian ASLI not come from western countries or the Middle East
Pancasila has a high tolerance for the Indonesian nation has a plurality of cultural and religious customs
Pancasila is the basis of ideology so that NOTHING can replace other
Pancasila Indonesia Asli artificial
We may use and boast of foreign products, ranging from motorcycles, cars, music, football club even studying abroad. But there is an indigenous Indonesian-made products that can not be rivaled by the products made in Japan, Europe and the Middle East even though the latter is always bringing even religious appendage appendage. A most suitable products for the Indonesian nation. A product called the ideology of Pancasila, the basic state can always be brought anywhere, anytime, anywhere make us proud as an Indonesian.
... flap your wings, Garuda Pancasila Sakti ... Merdeka!
(from:http://antoys.wordpress.com/2009/03/22/pancasila/ )
NB Tambahan:
Buat teman-teman saya dan seluruh warga Indonesia, berbangga lha kalian terhadapa negerimu sendiri. Karena Indonesia memiliki kelebihan dari negara-negara lain. Saya yakin Indonesia suatu saat akan menjadi negara besar di Dunia. (Amien).
So, gak usah malu untuk menjadi bangsa Indonesia!.
Semangat!!! MERDEKA!!! ^__^