The object of my desire. Object of lust that I've been wanting to get hold on my palm for months ever since they crack open the 'secret' in Gizmodo site months ago. The object of lust that I wanna feel myself coz I don't believe what the reviews said out there in the news and blogosphere. I finally got to try it at Apple store in Regent Street last weekend. It's the new iPhone 4! Holla!
Well, some of my friends said I'm a gadget freak. And they're not wrong at all coz I love gadgets. Who doesn't, right? And this iPhone 4 is something that I really want one. Read: want! Not need. Coz it's one of the best iPhone and smartphone that's now roaming around the planet Earth so far. So, my verdict?
Small. Thin. Very bright. Very responsive. Intuitive. Superb. That's all I can say. Nothing less... probably more if I know what to write actually, which already been covered by many bloggers out there. But to get a hold in my own hands, and test the cam/vidcam and the apps - I am truly in iPhone bliss right now.
It's small and thinner than the previous iPhone. What I truly adore about iPhone 4 is the whole industrial look thing. Non-curvy, solid shaped which is very masculine. Weight wise? Probably not much different compared to 3Gs, but still it surely will kick that 3G 'S' out! (if you know what i mean)
And people's been talking about 'retine display'. I know lots of you gonna ask what the hell is retina display faster than you can say iPhone itself. Well, to simply put, they got more dpi on the screen than ever that images appears truly sharp and crisp. Really? I can say that, YES. When I hold it up close - damn, they DO appear crisp and sharp. As if I can say "look Ma, I can't even see the dots!!!" When you read the wordings on the webpage, they even appear like it's on paper. One word: AWESOME!
Ok. one thing that is surely improved (if I can say that word) is the camera. Now it's 5MP! And wow. That's all I can say. When I tried to 'point and shoot' ... it's just amazing. The pix appear very bright indeed as if the phone is transparent. Image wise? Better than 3G-Ass... oppss.. 3GS. Anyhow, it's quite ashamed that you've gotta control it through the screen though coz even with my 'dodgy' Armani phone, there a little button on the side for the cam control. Well, we're all hoping that Mr Jobs would improve on this one in the future.
Oh, another thing. The phone is capable of capturing HD Video. I don't have evidence to show in here but it's splendid. Splendid, splendid, splendid. True seamless, and I really like it a lot. Who doesn't like HD these days, right? And with iMovie app (in which you've gotta pay) you can even edit it via the iPhone 4 itself! =)
But the sure winner about this new phone is indeed the design. Tempered glass front and back, and metal on the bezel, which act as the antenna too. (Though there's still issue on the 'correct way' of holding the phone to get maximum reception). And talking about the glass, it's truly awesome, though I forgot to check if it's smudge-free. Yet, it can also act as a mirror too! :)
So, to get or not to get? Well, I'm just like Kylie Minogue who's battling with herself whether to get or not to get the iPad. I love the phone so much, in fact I've been eyeing for this greatness (slab-style iPhone) for months. Yet the price is too cruel too be owned one. And to get through the waiting list for ages (coz I'd rather buy a SIM-free)... hmmm... don't really know. Maybe. We'll see. :)
But one thing for sure, I look good in it! Lol. Sexy smartphone for sexy blog, anyone? (Sorry, I can't help it..lol!!)