
The Making of a Guitar Hero?

I grew up with guitarists around me. My big bro, Simi, plays guitar when he was younger and still plays till now every time he got the chance (chance, meaning when he went to my other brother's house for family gathering coz it's where 'a guitar' can be found nowadays!). I can still recall when I was little to always listening to him and his mates jamming under the pokok tanjung in front of our house in the middle of the night; some sitting on the bench, some on the swing hanged from the tree branch - playing guitars and singing to whatever songs they can. The sounds are amazing. It's kinda cool to have best mates like that who really into the same interest.

Going to college, my friend, Sy, plays guitar flawlessly. Sometimes I became the vocalist who sing along the 'More Than Words' that he played. I love that song to death coz the melody which is quite melancholic romantic alongside the vocal is so fantastic. Even when I found other friends who play guitar, I always ask them if they can play that song; coz to me 'More Than Words' really set the bar for anyone who master playing guitar.

Moving on into the new generation, my nephews play the instrument. One of them actually owns two guitars - an acoustic and electric one - which he bought some times ago. He even plays it in a band at his uni, which sometimes got a gig or two that he has performed. My other nephew follows his brother footsteps to also trying to play. His big influence is actually Bunkface. We're in the family sometimes ask him to shut up coz everytime I went back, all I can hear was 'rasa, rasa...jangan kau percaya kata hatimu kata hatimu...!!" (the lyric from Extravaganza) singing loudly on and on and on. On the YouTube...on the's all Bunkface. Last year, it's all about "...dan bila kau menghilang, musnahlah musnah impian..." from Situasi, which eventually got me hooked up to that song as well! Lol. But anyway, both of them can play Bunkface songs thru guitar with no problem. They've done duet that I've heard before.

And as I told you in one of the previous post, I'm learning how to play guitar too. Guess what: I've got one my own! Voila... introducing my acoustic guitar in black. The color even match the decor of the house.. ha!

Learning how to play is so damn hard! I got the basic book on guitar chords though. There are so many stuff to understand and memorize - C, G, D, Bb, Ab7, bla bla bla, bla bla bla, bla bla bla... man, I dunno how those people out there can remember all those! Really salutes them for that. And damn... my fingers really hurt!!! Ouch...

But I have to say it's very cool to hear the sound that comes out from it. The acoustic sound is amazing, though I'm just striking the basic chords. Wait for a couple of months... then you'll see if I can play Hanyut by Faizal Tahir or not - acoustic version. Ahaks! And man... how I wish I could also play 'More Than Words' just like Nuno Battencourt did. That'll be cool. Then I can be a new guitar hero. :)


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