What do I remember about this particular time of the month last year? I was working my butt off to finish up my projects in my lab in London. Yup, carrying the buckets of water to fill the tank in my rig, running here and there from one point to another to collect data... and not to mention have to pack my stuff before I headed back to this country. My visa is expiring, and I have no other choice than to just fly home. I'm telling you it's very hard to make that decision; to pack clothings in just two suitcases, while leaving all other stuff behind - my pile of shoes, and clothes and bags and all other what-nots... yet, since there's very slim chance for me to get the visa ready on time prior the due date, I know I just can't make it. So, there I am heading back to Heathrow exactly at the end of March 2010 to went back home.
As reluctant as I am to leave London, I know London is also reluctant to be parted from me. Like a blessing, my departure is done in style - I boarded Business Class of Malaysia Airlines, which is upgraded for whatever reason by the staff at Terminal 4! Isn't that such a class. And to add to that, I sit nearby Bernie Eccleston; the big name behind Formula 1.
Oh, btw... that's not the main point about this blogpost. Actually what I'm trying to relate it with is when I reached home - at my own house here in the West Coast - I opened an old Star newspaper and found a fashion clippings about menswear. I am very drawn to the kimono-style wrap ensemble worn by one of the model. (click here). It's very cool, like a fusion between East and West, and East with East as well.
East and West as in Japanese kimono meet modern Western look, while East meet East as in the Oriental wrap-style meet Malaysian batik prints. I thought that is so culture-to-couture piece. Simple, but awesome. What I like most is how wraps has become a major neo-style to menswear nowadays. From the cardigan that you can found at highstreet stores, to the one that has gone high-fashion like these Haider Ackermann for Spring/Summer 2011. I just love everything about the look. The pairings between Shaolin-lookalike outfit, given a twist in the type of fabric used. The color, the texture, the styling is fantabulous.
There's embroidered piece. There's a play between prints, pattern and vibrant hues. There's an injection of tenun-lookalike fabric. And there's even some glitter and shimmer to perk up the ensemble. And I also love the use of variety of belts to hold the wraps together - from the similar fabric of the clothes, to the one in wider version as well as the string ala tassle belt. Truly amazing.
And I think I just found a perfect substitute to what I'm gonna wear next Eid. Might sounds crazy, but it's gonna be interesting!