Today I decided to go a bit understated for my office attire. Just wearing something simple, and try to blend in into the scene. Since this week is the start of another new semester in the tri-semester system and the fact that I've been given a time off for not teaching, might as well I just wear something not too overwhelming (I know my students would definitely welcomed for me to be wearing suits to the class!).
So I decided to wear those crochet tie with cream/black horizontal stripes that I bought from Uniqlo a couple of years back. Pair it with a neutral-colored slim shirt from Asos and black trousers from River Island, I think it is as under-dressed as I could go for.
Simple. :)

Oh my, I think if I'm walking around in the street of London right now, I might've been snapped by Tommy Ton for GQ Style. Doesn't the tie look similar to mine?

[pix from gq style]