
tim duncan pictures

tim duncan pictures. -Tim Duncan, NBA MVP
  • -Tim Duncan, NBA MVP

  • profets
    Mar 24, 01:26 PM
    The lineup in front of Eaton Centre has already started...

    Makes me wonder if I should go somewhere else instead.

    It means you should be lining up now lol.

    I think any apple store will be safe for launch day. Even if its a long line, I think they'll be good with large quantities for the weekend.

    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan
  • Tim Duncan

  • iGary
    Sep 23, 12:25 PM
    Not to be pedantic, just ignorant:

    I understand that the punctuation marks go inside the quotes (um, not parentheses... maybe you do need him ;)) when part of a quotational reply. However, when used to mark a single word or phrase, it seems as though contemporary "correct" usage allows for the quoted word/phrase to be used as an indivisible object, meaning punctuation would go outside.

    But, hey, I'm a programmer geek. I'm happy just to be able to communicate at all.

    AP says no. :D

    tim duncan pictures. tim duncan wife and children.
  • tim duncan wife and children.

  • matteusclement
    Mar 24, 12:30 AM
    If you do a little bit of searing, you can see some pretty cool videos by people using nothing but iPhones, especially the iphone4.
    Has anyone here played with the iPhone 4 to do some videos?
    I have bought some stuff on eBay such as a wide angle lens and macro lens to play with. I am having a hell of a time trying to find a 15ft or longer 3ring cable extension to attach a external mic to. But once I have that, I'll use another eBay toy to mount it on a small tripod.
    Some might wonder why I am bothring with the iPhone as a video tool, but the fact that I can carry a HD camera kit in my shoulder bag is too convenient not to try.
    I'll be using it do interviews and creative work.

    More to come.

    tim duncan pictures. Amy oversees the Tim Duncan
  • Amy oversees the Tim Duncan

  • kilidar
    May 5, 03:13 PM
    I smashed my 3GS few days, got the white on a 12 month contract, so longer it takes for the 5 to come out the better.

    I wanted a 3G phone with wifi tethering, i4 still a top phone, get it.


    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan and Pau Gasol - San
  • Tim Duncan and Pau Gasol - San

  • rdowns
    Oct 25, 05:38 AM
    ^ when claiming work as your own be sure to remove the copyright. :rolleyes:



    tim duncan pictures. David Robinson Tim Duncan
  • David Robinson Tim Duncan

  • ratzzo
    Apr 20, 08:41 PM
    I use a Apple Magic Mouse.. which is a laser mouse, and works fantastically (as youd expect) with Mac OS X.

    I can approve. But you should try it first, as you might not like touch mice (some people are too used to normal mice and, yeah..)


    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan, Basketball
  • Tim Duncan, Basketball

  • zarathustra
    Jul 13, 10:14 AM
    We had at least 2 or 3 topic with this car in the past few months.

    Use the search function.

    Still, cool car/mac.

    OK, sorry. I DID do a search beforehand and couldn't find a link, so excuse me. I thought it has not been on macrumors because my search turned up nothing.

    Search for mac installation in a car. (

    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan and Chris Paul
  • Tim Duncan and Chris Paul

  • Rower_CPU
    Jul 1, 11:43 PM
    Holding option and clicking "shut down" will bypass the dialog box.

    Alternatively, you can press Control + Option + Command + Power/Eject Key - according to this page (


    tim duncan pictures. The End of the Tim Duncan Era?
  • The End of the Tim Duncan Era?

  • ComputersaysNo
    May 5, 07:35 AM

    tim duncan pictures. Bruce Bowen Tim Duncan Manu
  • Bruce Bowen Tim Duncan Manu

  • zombitronic
    Jan 17, 08:42 AM
    It's like 1908 meets 2008.


    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan: Champion on and
  • Tim Duncan: Champion on and

  • Sky Blue
    Apr 1, 09:07 AM
    they get funnier every year....

    tim duncan pictures. tim duncan
  • tim duncan

  • Intell
    Apr 26, 05:59 PM
    Cool. You should open it and post pictures of the insides, if you're either brave or you know what your doing inside it. As the G4 iMac is kind of tricky to fully open.


    tim duncan pictures. tim duncan Being Irish.
  • tim duncan Being Irish.

  • alecgold
    Apr 7, 05:13 AM
    Same here in Holland, awful service and always pushing the dates if they haven't got it in stock. Within a week might end up being within 6 months. perhaps.

    tim duncan pictures. tiM Duncan dUnCaN duNk
  • tiM Duncan dUnCaN duNk

  • MikePA
    Feb 20, 06:48 PM
    But geohot is using sony code to exploit their hardware which is a violation of copyright according to the DMCA. Quite another beast to deal with
    Please do not introduce facts into the discussion when the Chicken Littles are trying to fuel emotions so fools and their money are soon parted.


    tim duncan pictures. San Antonio Spurs#39; Tim Duncan,
  • San Antonio Spurs#39; Tim Duncan,

  • terzinator
    Apr 13, 09:29 PM
    We have a small graphic design firm... four designers working on Illustrator and InDesign files... files might be 200MB to 1GB, generally. Really varies. Might be a brochure, logo design, packaging, whatever.

    We have a Mac Mini Server running Snow Leopard Server, attached to a Promise RAID. All our files are on this unit. (Backed up regularly, yada yada.) We have a gigabit network, so it's plenty fast to move files around, etc...

    here's the issue/question...

    Our designers generally work on the files "on the server" rather than copy them down to their drives to work. They think it's faster and more efficient, and reduces the chances of extra files being created, or deleting the wrong one, or issues with "which version" is the most current, etc. Copying up and down files takes time, they say.

    I argue (I'm the tech guy, not a designer) that it's asking for trouble. That working "off the server" could create file corruption if there's a network issue, or if there's an issue with a computer that's working on the file, or whathaveyou. I also think it's slow, even though it's a fast network. Any time saved "copying the file up or down" is going to be lost waiting for files to open and save and render and whatnot. I think it's very INefficient. All around, I just think it's a bad idea.

    Whether it's a good idea, or a bad idea, or a standard practice, well, what say you? And if you think it's asking for trouble, what's the best way to deal with stuff like this? A different server? Is there good software that allows for making sure you're working on the current file, etc...? What are other graphic design firms doing in this regard?

    If this isn't the best place for the post, let me know and I'll see if I can have it moved.

    Thanks in advance.

    tim duncan pictures. France, Greece collide in key
  • France, Greece collide in key

  • Sinsinnati
    Mar 25, 09:18 AM
    Whats the different between these drivers and the latest and greatest that are available on the Canon website?

    I would like to know the same thing.

    BTW, the Canon MP990 is the best printer I have ever used with a Mac.


    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan, Basketball
  • Tim Duncan, Basketball

  • xfauxsn
    Jan 10, 08:39 PM
    Hi all, I recently rebooted and have noticed a small blue "bubble" on my screen. It is transparent and turns opaque when you mouse over it. If you click on it, it activates the function usually assigned to the F10 key for Expose. I can move it around the screen like something from Konfabulator. I do have both Konfabulator and Growl installed, but they are both off right now.. and this thing still won't go away. Any help?

    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan Shoes
  • Tim Duncan Shoes

  • mileslong
    Mar 16, 03:03 AM
    i have the latest developer build of chrome and the latest build of firefox as well and they both work perfectly for me on lion...

    tim duncan pictures. Tim Duncan NBA Basketball
  • Tim Duncan NBA Basketball

  • point665
    Oct 27, 07:49 AM
    In the first picture - theres a white shirted old guy, thats me infront of him (you can see my head right above his shoulder).

    Jul 21, 03:59 PM
    Originally posted by patrick0brien

    Feb 15, 05:53 AM
    What about if you put a SSD in the Mini? Would that make a difference for EyeTV (I guess probably not if you were using the RAM buffer)?

    you got it no mini gpu has enough the older ones were 64mb then 256mb the imac has a 4870 = 512mb the mac pro has a 5870 = 1gb

    It is frustrating to me as my ht is in a den and I don't have a lot of room in the rack for a big computer. I would have liked a mac midi the old foot print of 6.5 by 6.5 with 4 inches or 5 inches height.

    Jan 24, 09:38 PM
    does anyone know how to log who downloads what from my smb shares? im on a campus network and have stuff shared (uhh, yeah, its all legal..... ;) ) and am curious to see what people are downloading. thanks

    Feb 28, 06:02 AM
    I kinda like the name as well, but what puts me off is something in the whole shaping area of it. It might be a combination of the "I don't know how much I want to tilt" tilt and the handwriting thing going on.

    Ehm, I think what I trying to say is that I feel like it would look better if the hand writing had more determination in it and and a light look... like the name when you say... try and say it... Pablished... it's a "to the point" name that sounds like thin lines written in determinate haste on a horizontal line.

    Im rambling I know, just pouring out thoughts. :)

    Feb 14, 12:44 PM
    There is really no point in continuing to have an argument over what is essentially the semantic difference between a virus and a piece of malware.

    Tell your friend it's not worth arguing about.


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