
Covent Garden Got a Slice of a Big Apple!



If there's only one word to describe the new Apple store in Covent Garden, London: that's the only one. Amazing. From the renovated grade II-listed 17th century Victorian building to the scale of the space inside, from the large open-space in the middle 'courtyard' to the glass staircases - it's true definition of old-meet-modern. This is the 300th store Apple has opened. And the biggest one in the world. Boy, am I glad that it's located in the GMT itself?

My visit to the store started a day before it is officially opened - Friday, 6th August. The staff is given briefing inside, while some final preparations are still going on here and there. New stocks of iPhone4, iPad etc... etc.. seem to be unloaded into the store via the loading bay. And even from the side entrance. The main entrance is blocked with just a typical 'barricade' that you can find at any stores really. But there's some minders outside. I happen to ask what would be the special thing gonna happen on Saturday, is there any surprises in store? He just replied, "you might get a T-shirt". T-shirt? That's it? Lol...

And outside, some diehard fan of Apple seems to start their own camping for the night. Just to be the first in line to the store, I guess?

The staff are given briefing last Friday

Can't wait!!

The diehard fans... so far...

a glimpse of what's inside...

So, the day that everyone's waiting for has finally arrived. It's Saturday, 7th August 2010. I woke up quite late... meaning I'm waaaay to late to be among the first in line. I'm guessing there might be some people queueing up to get in store. Boy, am i wrong this time?

There's massive crowd! Humongous number of people lined up outside the store. Starting from the door front, right through the Royal Opera House entrance. Crazy. I said to myself, there's no way I'm gonna be in line this time. Just to get in that store? No way. I'd rather be caught queueing with any shopaholics for that designer one-off collaboration at H&M, rather than be seen with those geeks who thinks Jimmy Choo is some kind of a director of action flick or so. (No

crowd went frenzy!

So, the day after I went back. Queue? What queue. Oh, there's still some people lining up ouside, but those who are trying to get iPhone4. Coz this new store has the most stock of iPad, iPhone4, and other Apple products than any Apple store in London.

the architechture that reminisces me of Florence, Italy...

And I made my step inside. Wow. Just wow. Can never find any store like this. Well, you might find the similarity with Uniqlo in Paris, with all the glass roof and stuff... but so far in London, nothing like this new Apple store in Covent Garden Piazza.

There're 4 floors altogether. Ground floor and the first floor is the main interactive space where you can have a go of all Apple products like Macbook, iPad, iPod etc... etc. Huge number of spaces available. I really mean huge! What I love about it is that now I can properly sit on a proper 'stool' unlike in Regent St, I've gotta just stand coz there's no sitting space.

The ground floor is the most talking point coz there's a central 'courtyard' with the glass roof that leads the lights in. And I really love the ambience of the building where it maintains the 'rustic' look with non-painted wall, exposing the brickworks which is utterly beautiful.

The 'open air' central courtyard with the glass roof

Big LCD screen showing what's on in the store

Going up to the other floors, you'll be amazed with the glass staircases. From the spiral stairs right in front of the main entrance to the stairs on the side of the store. Very modern!

View from the first floor.

View from the second floor.

The first floor is similar to the ground floor - with all the Apple stuff that you can try. The second floor on the other hand is mainly dedicated to the accessories. From the iPod and iPhone 3GS cases, to iPad sleeves, the earphones and speakers for your iPod to the bag for your Macbook. Plus some books and softwares Apple-related.

Oh, just for the Apple Covent Garden, you can get a special edition iPhone 3GS and Macbook cases by Incase, in some kinda art-deco inspired dome prints. And you can also get Beat by Dr Dre headphones, which also includes the Heartbeat by Lady Gaga! Any iPhone4 cases you ask? Nope. Not in the house so far... :(

The special edition Incase Apple Covent Garden iPhone 3G case

And that's all about the store. Oh, the basement... the basement is for the toilet. So, whenever I've caught short should I be in Covent Garden, then I have a reason to enter Apple store... rather than going to the toilet near the church! Lol.

One thing that I like about the store is the sales assistants. Somehow I think they're all look like models! Are they the Abercrombie & Fitch's male and female model rejects from Saville Row or what? They're different than the one at Regent Street. You've gotta go and visit the store yourself to make your own judgement. To me, it's another reason to visit the store more often. ;)

Where does the store located?

No. 1-7,
The Piazza
Covent Garden
London WC2E 8HA

(exactly in front of the Covent Garden Market)
Tube: Piccadilly Line (Covent Garden)

For more information, visit Apple UK website.

people queuing outside for the iPhone4

view from the glass spiral staircase...

P/S: Most pix are taken using iPhone4. Click on image to enlarge for better view.


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