
Awesome :)


Meet Lux, age 24, from Orange County, California. She’s been playing drums for half of her lifetime now and her skills are in high demand. Currently on tour with the Nekromantix and Rob Zombie, Lux is no slouch behind the kit.

Girls Can’t WHAT? recently touched base with Lux and through a series of emails, I’ve been able to piece together this sweet little interview. Lux was also gracious enough to provide us with photos from a recent promotional video shoot.

GCW: What is your main passion and describe when you first became interested in it.

Lux: I started playing drums when I was 12 and it was by chance. It was because my parents had put me and my two sisters in a music school and picked drums for me so that we could start a band together. They put my eldest sister on vocals and guitar and my other sister on keyboard. The moment I knew I really wanted to play drums was when I had to give it up and switch over to keyboard. We had brought in another member to take over on drums and I remember being so jealous of him playing drums I used to play and missing it so bad. I knew from that point on that drums is what I wanted to play.

GCW: I can totally identify with loving the drums! Have you ever been told you “can’t” because you are a girl? What did you do about it?

Lux: For a while, while growing up, my mom would say I couldn’t stay out late because I’m a girl. This is very common in traditional Mexican families and staying out late just comes with playing in a rock band. I had to constantly talk to my mom and let her know I was ok in order for her to be ok with it. I think she was just worrying as any normal parent would because I’m her “little girl”. I’m the youngest of 3 sisters.

GCW: Yes we all know women become instantly defenseless when the sun goes down – LOL. Well you certainly do know how to play and all that late-night gigging has paid off for you. This drum solo video is hot!

GCW: Do you have a favorite event or memory?

Lux: We recently played at the Hollywood Palladium on Halloween night about a week ago and so far it has been my favorite show on our Tour with Rob Zombie. We played a 40 minute set in front of a huge crowd, at least 3,000 people and the show was amazing! I had been sick on this night with a little fever and bronchitis but I just remember still rockin’ out and feeling accomplished once I got through it. During our set, I spotted a girl in the front of the crowd who was holding up a sign that read “Drum Stick”. I love it when fans bring signs to shows so after our set I tossed a couple sticks in her direction. It was overall a fun night!

Yes,i love it :)


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