So. I'm doing a favor to a blogger friend who want some idea on what brand or label should Bradley Cooper's character wear in his different stages of his 'career' life in the movie Limitless. In the beginning of the story it seems that he looks a bit dishevelled, with his clothing you don't even wanna see (aren't we all like that at one stage? ahaks!). Ensemble that I usually called rustic or very tumbled and rough coz it's say pretty much it. And the other part of the story - after he took the magic pill - everything suddenly changed, and Mr. BC transformed into a very suave, sharp-suited and fantastic looking gentlemen.
What was the question again? Oh, what brand of clothing should he be associated with in that two different stages?

Part 1: As a struggling writer.
I'm not gonna be racist or against any nation, but I'll definitely choose anything gotta do with American label for this part of his life (yikes!). Gap suddenly popped to mind. You don't agree with me? Then head down to any Gap stores now and chances that you can find the similar kind of cotton utility jacket is pretty high. Or the jeans and that sort of tumbled cotton t-shirt too; they're plenty in Gap. And cheaper. Or even Gilded Age (which once used to collaborate with Uniqlo) which is famous for its vintage feel. I think both brand could be a nice contender for the look as a struggling writer.
On the other hand, I also have highstreet labels from the British Isles too that can be considered quite a good candidate. It's Primark and Peacocks. Primarks, which has a humungous size of store on the west side of London's Oxford Street (once the former location of C&A) is packed with plenty of less fashionable items for men. Cheap, that is the big thing about Primark! To find that kind of jacket or tee emulating the character, it's pretty simple coz not only you can find it in store, they can also be done easily since once you wash Primark clothes, things suddenly fades after one wash. Ha! (This is based on my own experience)
Oh, did I just mention about Peacocks? Yup, the brand that suddenly has landed in this country too which suddenly made a huge buzz in the fashion scene. The thing is, in London you won't find any Peacocks store within Zone 1. Or maybe, not even in Zone 2 either! Oh wait, there is one at Elephant & Castle, but then again, the area IS Elephant & Castle, if you know what I mean. Errks! The only Peacocks store I stumbled upon is at Wood Green Shopping Center in Zone 3 - showing that the clothing is not usually for the very trendy people. Huhu... (lots of people gonna hate me after this...eeek!)

Part 2: The suave, sharp, good-looking high-achiever.
This one isn't hard to take my pick. Pretty much any high-end labels could do. Then again, if I wanna be specific just based on the trailer: for the leather jacket I'd rather choose Dolce & Gabbana for its gorgeous and buttery soft leather. Or even John Varvatos and Micheal Kors.
For the pinstripe suit, my heart really wanna say Gucci, yet I hardly see the brand ever done a good pinstripes suit (I'm always biased to Gucci, if you realised). So, for that matter I'd rather choose Ralph Lauren who is famously known for the sharper suits on the Stateside. Or probably Zegna, on this side of the Mediterranean, since the Italian brand always sent off their models on the runway looking very dapper. Or even Armani (either Giorgio or Emporio) since I had my own encounter with many Armani suits myself, which I think is the maestro of all. Yet, when mentioning pinstripes - one name which is parallel to that term is actually Gianfranco Ferre - so much so, the designer himself wears pinstripes during the closing of the runway show quite a number of times.
So, to Cherry Monster Fashion - hope that I'm answering your question to my ability! (Can't believe this is itself an another blog posting)
p/s: Think I can make money by being an amateur fashion critic. Or even a stylist, if this is the case. Lol!