Recently I'm a little bit worried that my Jean Paul Gaultier lip balm has reached its lowest point. Erm, by that I mean it's almost finishing. My lips tend to be so chappy when it's dry, so the only way to save it looking supple is to use a lip balm instead. And JPG lip balm from his Monsieur range is the best I could ever find out there since it's tailormade for the guys. The truth is, it's not only the texture of it that I love - but the whole design thing in its black rectangular boxy body which looks so masculine chic.
It's almost a year I bought it at Debenhams Oxford Street, now that it's almost gone I'm quite freaking out. (click here to read previous post). I dunno where to find it in this country coz lots of departmental stores don't stock JPG Monsieur. So, what did I do? easy, buy online instead.
I searched high and low, and came across 3 'beauty' websites that do international shipping. Escentual.com, Feelunique.com and Garden.co.uk. The first two doesn't offer the 'clear' lip balm that I wanted, though Feelunique really provide free shipping throughout the world (that's a huge deal, people!). So, I went for Garden.co.uk instead since I know the pharmacy quite well which is located at Covent Garden in London, my usual playground in yesteryears. So, I click it to buy... and the best part, they accept PayPal which makes any transaction so much easier. The delivery time? They said between 5-14 days... which I can wait anyway.
And voila! The stuff arrived in about 5 days... proving it really ships very fast. In fact, just after I click "buy", a message came a couple of minutes later saying "your item has been shipped". Owh, already? And they really mean it! When the parcel arrives in the mailbox, I was quite surprise to see why the 'box' is quite big since the lip balms are actually tiny. The truth is, they threw in some freebies inside. The Mosturizing Face Balm and the Energizing Face Care. It smells divine, and the texture is awesome to the face. So, the shipping cozt of £13 is really worth it, huh? (yeah, quite expensive but they're the only one who offers the 'clear' lip balm).
Satisfied? Absolutely. At least I can go French for another two years... :)
p/s: JPG is French, you know that right?
And voila! The stuff arrived in about 5 days... proving it really ships very fast. In fact, just after I click "buy", a message came a couple of minutes later saying "your item has been shipped". Owh, already? And they really mean it! When the parcel arrives in the mailbox, I was quite surprise to see why the 'box' is quite big since the lip balms are actually tiny. The truth is, they threw in some freebies inside. The Mosturizing Face Balm and the Energizing Face Care. It smells divine, and the texture is awesome to the face. So, the shipping cozt of £13 is really worth it, huh? (yeah, quite expensive but they're the only one who offers the 'clear' lip balm).
Satisfied? Absolutely. At least I can go French for another two years... :)
p/s: JPG is French, you know that right?