
A Welcomed Addition to the Bathroom Cabinet!

One Thursday back in May 2008, I was on my way to the Uni when I picked up a copy of Shortlist mag that was handed to me at Seven Sisters station in London by my fav newspaper guy. Or perhaps, I am his fav instead coz no matter how late I am, comes ran or shine he always rushed towards me to give me that free weekly magazine. He knows I'm a regular, and would I never missed it every Thursday morning before 8 am.

Anyway, that's not the story. The story is, that morning I noticed something on the cover that featured Lawrence Dallaglio on the front and Mark Foster on the back cover. Down on the page is what made my eyes go big. 'Vaseline Men'. Vaseline Men? Since when Vaseline started to do some special range for men? This has to be good, I said to myself...

I flipped the page inside and saw a couple of products such as body & face wash, body lotion and the hand cream. I know it's not new that men has those range of stuff, but for Vaseline to be offering that - to me that's kinda huge since they're known for best skincare for less money. Economy, if you can say to that; and being part of recessionisto myself, anything got to do with my opex (operating expenditure, that is) - I think it's better to buy low cost items that really works rather than higher priced skincare since they're not gonna last for a long time. Cost effective, but proven voila!

The one thing that made me bought the stuff is the fact stated on the ad : it can take up to 8 hours to hydrate, which to me is important. And to perform ablution five times a day prior to prayer, which prone to cause the skin to be very dry in the dry London weather, I do need to hydrate my skin coz flaky is not pretty...

[the Vaseline Men ad in Shortlist issue 32; May 2008]

Anyway. Coming back home I was quite disappointed that Malaysia didn't stock any Vaseline Men products. The one that I still got are almost-finishing which include the body lotion and the body wash. I swear they're the best product for men so far when it comes to those two since it keep the skin supple and hydrated for a long period. I kept wishing if one day - once in blue moon, perhaps - somewhat, somewhere, somehow, somebody could bring those stuff to this country coz I never wanna let my skin be worse.

And voila! My wish comes true. Last weekend when I went to Tesco, I saw the products on the shelf. Holla! Not just that, there's a new range too - the whitening body wash and lotion - special for the Asian market, since anything got to do with whitening, it's a huge business here. (Just ask Dior, Shiseido and Estee Lauder for that!). I couldn't be happier. Another holla!

Vaseline Men has arrived in Malaysia, folks! And that's a great addition to my bathroom cabinet. After this, kalau kulit tak putih jugak tak tau la....ahaks!

Another product that really made me ecstatic is the L'oreal MenExpert Anti-perspirant roll-on. The last time I used it is when I bought the stuff at Boots in UK, which is proven works no matter what. You can read my previous post here [click]. Again, I was reeling not to be seeing that product in this country, and almost wanna ask my mate, Rizal, who's now in London to buy me that thing when he return here soon. (But he cancel his return, dang!)

But I don't have to anymore since I found it  at Tesco as well. Not just one, but many types... though the 'Invisible Protect' is nowhere to be seen on the shelf. Probably not yet. Anyhow, there's also a special one for the Asian market i.e. the White Activ for that skin-brightening effect. Isn't that a good reason to be excited?

There you go, a double happiness on my weekend. (Eventhough I'm still reeling on my locked up nightmare!).

Oh, mentioning 'whitening' - please, you should know that it won't made you a Micheal Jackson okay: black to white, no way! (may God bless MJ's soul, btw!)


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